Community Food Drive 2023 - THANK YOU
A big thank you to the La Salle and Domain residents who took part in our Community Food Drive beginning with Breakfast with Santa and the Santa Claus Parade in La Salle on December 2nd, 2023.
We were pleased to present to the Holy Cross Food Bank and Soup Kitchen a total of 1,300 pounds of food along with cheques totaling $1,920.00.
The above donations were made possible through the following organizations: 
Knights of Columbus La Salle Council #7793
St. Hyacinthe Catholic Parish (La Salle)
Avonlea United Church (Domain)
La Salle Community Fellowship
Caisse Community Centre (La Salle)
Thank You!
Community Food Drive Coordinators
Georges Cormier and Chris Lippens
Georges Cormier  204-218-6011
Chris Lippens  1-204-296-1390