The Caisse Connection newsletter is a digital-only publication produced by the Caisse Community Centre.  The newsletter has been in publication for over 25 years.
E-News Registration
Register with our website and stay informed of news and upcoming events within our community.  To receive the monthly digital Caisse Connection newsletter publication, plus upcoming community event information, please click the link below:
Advertise your Business
For business advertisement pricing and sizing, please click the link below:


The deadline for each issue is the 10th of the preceding month, examples: August 2024 Newsletter issue deadline July 10th; September 2024 Newsletter issue deadline August 10th; October 2024 Newsletter issue deadline September 10th etc.

To view the current issue of the Caisse Connection newsletter, please click the link below:


Barbara Agland-O'Connor
Caisse Community Centre Website Director (Newsletter)



 Caisse Community Centre