Caisse Community Centre Sponsorship

La Salle is a vibrant community of over 3000 people located along the picturesque La Salle River just 8 kilometres south of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Founded in 1878, the town is one of the fastest growing centres in the province.
Annually, the Caisse Community Centre hosts many events including a School's Out for Summer Dance for Elementary Students, Fall Supper, Fall Festival and Breakfast with Santa. La Salle has a very strong community recreation program and is dedicated to enhancing the lives of its residents through developing a love for sport for all age groups.
Caisse Community Centre
Facility and Event Sponsorship Opportunities Available
For Facility Sponsorship Information:
Dee Romijn, Caisse Community Centre Facility Manager
204-736-2679 | 204-801-7629 (cell) |
For Event Sponsorship Information:
Marcie Weiss, Caisse Community Centre Special Events Director